Recently I secured a brief to create a simple website as well as a mono-colour logo.
As this is my first “real” design job, I’ve quoted them “around $600”. $400 for the site, $200 for the logo.
Looking at how much it costs to develop a website, that’s a huge discount. (Check out this link to get an idea of how much this costs to develop). For the logo, it’ll probably take me 3 hours to create it, so I’ll make a little bit of profit from that.
Website wise, the main goal there is to produce a site worthy of a portfolio piece. I’m tracking how much time I spend on this brief so I will have some real figures to work with the next time I take on a web design and development brief. What seems strange is that it looks like once person will develop the website design then another person will produce all the coding. If so, the fact that I can produce a pretty picture the translate that into html and css code must put me at an advantage.
On a semi related note, if this sort of work does not take off, it’ll be a mad rush to find a science job as my redundancy payout is looking a little sparse and the Government’s job search allowance is a tad pitiful.
Update: the site more or less looks as I envisioned it. The client has approved the logo. I’m not particularly happy with the typography so may revisit that as a personal project. The colours were based on a combination of moodboard and client wishes. All photography is my own.